Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mysterious Island Atlantis

Atlantis.A mysterious fictional island.The island was huge as like the continent.Surprisingly advanced.It was unrivaled in Knowledge - science, education,culture and military power.It's  fertile soil was filled with fruits and flower.Coal mines were filled with gold, silver, and copper.
The kings of Atlantis was build a  unparalleled city in the south.the name of the city also Atlantis.The city was surrounded by waterways and land one after another arranged.The palace was the main attraction of this city.This nice Palace was built up over a small hill.The three canals surrounding the palace.There was a temple in the center of the palace complex.

 The king of Atlantis named Atlas was lived in this temple regularly and his nine brothers.They came here after 5-6 years.They wear the holy dress of black color.They sacrificed to the gods of the wild bull.And then would begun to discuss matters of state.Finally, write a summary of the discussions which took a gold tablets were stored and for the next meeting.

Good governance of kings Atlantis live in peace and happily for long time.And then one day suddenly Atlantis was destroyed. Nearly five million people was disappeared misfortunetly.Powerful earthquakes divide Atlantis into two pieces. Flooded all over in Atlantis.Washed away farm ,forest and tress. 
Last quake was  the most devastating.And that earhquake sinking the continent in the sea.Whole continents have vanished in just one night, the deep sea.

The legend of this huge island could not be seen ever after  drowning in the Atlantic Ocean.For the first time in more than nine thousand years after the Greek philosopher Plato said Atlantis story.
At that time these books were not written in the intricate,was the genre enhanced  through drama.This drama was called 'dialogue'.Name of  the first dialog of  Plato is 'Republic'.Later he wrote two dialogs - 'Timaeus' and 'Critias'.He gave a detailed description of the two dialogs about Atlantis.However, the picture is most definitely works in the description of  Critias about atlantis.That description as like below...
It was at the very beginning of creation. Gods wanted to share the world.In the meantime God's of ocean Posaidon thoughts he will take a large number of continents and islands scattered around her.Conceived the plan, did just that.He had five pairs of twin sons.Atlas was his first son.He named this huge island as his son's name -Atlantis.Podaison had divide Atlantis in to ten categories.He gave Atlas the bigger and better part of that island.

Only Plato doesn't described about the lost Atlantis,many of ancient writers mentioned about it.Such as Madam Blavatsky.This Russian woman was mystic power.She wrote a whole book about Atlantis named 'The Secret Doctrine'.
The author of the book mentioned in ancient Atlantis as  lost civilization of Lemuria. Madame Blavatsky and his followers believed,there was seven race in the beginning.And the third of them Lemuria.Their continent was across in the southern hemisphere.They could not speak.However they had three eyes.The three numbers in their eyes had a special ability. They were communicating with each other through the power.Millions of years ago Lemuria's continent was sank.Just a little bit of the North Atlantic was up.Later there develops a civilization of Atlantis.One day it was also sank.

Austrian philosopher Rudolph Stainer also told about of Atlantis.He studied that the Atlantis learned to fly.However, they are not suited to fly in the world at present.Because the winds that day were much thicker and heavier.

William Scott  Elliot also wrote about Atlantis.And his description was perfect than Plato.He was theosophy. His book was published in 1896 'The Story of Atlantis'.He wrote the book, Atlantis was ruled by the people of the elite class.Their society was a totalitarian, catastrophic.They wanted to take control of everything themselves.
Atlantis was also  developed from technology.They discovered hundred miles per hour speed of the aircraft.

In 1904 he published another book, "The Lost Lemuria''.In 1925 two books published together named ' The story of Atlantis' and 'The lost Lemuria'.Then many years gone. Then again Doctor German Spanuth was told about Atlantis.In 1953 he said Madame Blavatsky, Plato ,Scott Eliot says that about Atlantis was true.He campaign the main land of Europe and the North Sea between Britain.He get expected success.One of his investigative team diver found a surprise walls thirty feet below in the sea,that wall  is surrounded by a round border of 1012 yard.Equal to approximately ten football fields.
The divers brought many things later from the ruin.One diver brought a flint.Dr. Spanuthe thoughts all of these being the largest fraction of the Atlantis.And the flint was probably used as a tool.

This operation does not ensure that the debris of north sea is Atlantis.However the possibility doesn't rule out, huh ?


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Amazing waterfalls

A waterfall is a place where water flows over a vertical drop in the course of a stream or river.This waterfall is very beautiful.Some of the waterfalls  are really Amazing and wonderful.Here is the description of some amazing waterfalls in the earth.

Underwater waterfall:
It is really unbelievable falls could be under water?No, not usually,But there is a falls under water.Mauritius is a island of African continent.About 2000 km away from the mainland,in the Indian Ocean.This Island has an underwater waterfall.For all of its beauty, has what appears to be one of the most unexpected views for human eyes. 

Angel Fall:
World famous Angel water fall is in Venezuela.It is highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world. It's height 979 meters in some places.This falls has two most popular name in Pemon language.One name is 'Kerepakupai Vena'.There seems to be translated as 'Waterfall of the Deepest Place'.Another name is 'Parakupa Vena' which means 'The fall from the highest place'.
this falls has been named as the Us aviator Jimmy Angel.who was the first person who fly over the falls.After his death Ashes were  scattered over the falls.

Iguazu Waterfalls:
Iguazu Falls geographically important for two reasons.Firstly it's indicates the border of Argentina and Brazil.Iguazu falls on the border of the Brazilian state of 'Parana' and the Argentine province of 'Misiones'.Secondly, this falls divide the river in to the uper and lower Iguazu.
This falls announced as one of the new seven wonders of nature by new seven wonders of the world on november11,2011.this is a very nice and charming place for tourists.

Niagara falls:
Niagara falls are one of the most famous waterfall in the world. The Horseshoe falls, the American falls and the Bridal veil falls,these three waterfalls as together called Niagara falls.This falls are located on the border of Canada and United States. Niagara falls are very wide.More than six million cubic feet of water falls over the crest line every minute in high flow,and almost four million cubic feet on average.

Athabasca Waterfall:
Athabasca water fall is in Jasper national park on the upper Athabasca river which 30 kilometers south of the town site of Jasper ,Canada.Falls area is about 30 kilometer and nearly 80 feet in height.This waterfall where the water falls down, there are naturally occurring limestone accumulation.
And the interesting thing is, in winter when the rivers are dry,copious amounts of water flow over the falls.

Pongour waterfall:
Pongour waterfall is located capital of Dalat in Lam Dong province of Vietnam.The city has several waterfalls but among them this is the most beautiful waterfall.Pongour waterfall is also known by some ther name.one of the most popular name is 'Thak be tang'.that means 'seven storey fall'.Like the name implies there are seven steps in this waterfall.This waterfall is about 80 km in height.
Not only that, it is the only waterfall in the world,where are cultural programme  held every year.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wonders of Amazon

Amazon rainforests, the world's largest forest.It is in South America. Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana these are the counties of South America where Amazon forest spread.

 Almost half of the oxygen in the world providing by this forest.And in this huge forest has numerous world's most diverse,awesome and beautiful  animals.

Among them, there are some animals ,have peculiarity which makes them even more awesome and beautiful.Some of these animals description are given below.


Jaguar is called the king of the Amazon forest.It looks alike cheetah and leopard.it is 25 to 30 inch in length and 5 to 6 feet tall.The weight of the Jaguar may be about 50 to 100 kg.Cousin of cheetah is a nocturnal animals.Bump in the night,direct from behind  jaguar attack the animals.Normally jaguar can seen in the whole Amazon.Beside the fountain 'Pampas Meadow' of amazon Jaguar live most.
There are also special kind of black jaguar in Amazon.The only difference with normal jaguar and black jaguar is color.

The anaconda is the largest snake in the worl
d.The most familiar of these is the green anaconda.Green anaconda also known as the heavy snakes.Approximately 150to 227 kg weight of green anaconda and 27 to 30 feet in length.This cold blooded creature is hunting at night.Although it is not poisonous at all,but There are special notoriety for killing the victim tangled of anaconda. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Innovation of chocolate-3

At first chocolate mixture inserted into the heavy equipment.THen crush the chocolates very well.After then used a large pot which is invented by Redlophy lindot.In that containers blend the mixture to make them more smooth.Like velvet exactly.then the chocolate mixture is make cooled once and then hot again.this process will continue untill the shine does not come. 
for la long time chocolate was made only square shape. But this tradition broke first by Milton Harse. 
Milton  Harse was a chocolate manufacturer in America.It seems to him that the matter is very monotonous.He changed the chocolate shape.Not only that, he wrap the chocolates by wrapping paper to make them more attractive.It was in 1907.

 After the other factories started to make chocolate in different size and shapes.And the next step to make the chocolate more interesting mixed with variety of dishes began to compete to serve.

it was 1912.there was a candy manufacturer in America named Hawel Campbell.At the time, he became interested in chocolate.He mixed peanut,marsamelo and lots of things with shiny chocolates.Then he sprinkle some sugar in the mixture. Then became the first snack of chocolate mixed.

Campbell took the first taste of his  new food.He liked that very much.He gave a new name to this food 'GO GO clusters'.'GO GO clusters' were quite popular.
Of the same year,A Belgian chocolate manufacturer named Jine  Newhouse added a new feature in the history of chocolate making.He finds out the hard chocolate shell in which cream and nut mixture used.then he stuck with more chocolates in the open part of the chocolates.

Then the manufacturer of chocolate began to make different types of chocolate.
Nowadays most of the chocolate company are large.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Innovation of chocolate-2

Addition of sugar

In1519, to fight against Aztec's there came Spanish wandering named Harnan Kartej.With a massive troop.Long led the fight. Emperor Montezuma thought to compromise with them at last.then Kartej was called in the meeting.
There Kartej took the first taste of chocolate. Even
Kartej took the chocolate flavors and like it also,
But it did not melt at all. Yet continue the war with Aztec's.At last the won.In 1528, when Kartej started journey for his country, his ship was full of looted goods by Aztecs, And there was so many cocoa seeds also.
After returning Spain Kartej served his friends liquid chocolate.they saw this is a well drink, Mixing sugar make it more tasty while it is hot.After then they begun to drink chocolate by mixing sugar.

But Spanish Prince Philip know about the Chocolate drink quickly.A group of monks came up with some guests from Central America to him.They came in a large pot filled with liquid chocolate as gifts.
Prince Philip fall in love with chocolate.So that he pronounced liquid chocolate as Spanish Royal drink.

The story of the chocolate were spread quickly in Europe.
Even in Europe, people still had not learned as well as for eating potatoes.However the chocolate making  process was very slow from seeds that time.It was also very costly.That's why only rich people could drink chocolate.

Chocolate making machinery: 
 The discovery of steam engine  has been changed lives. So it was much easier to create anything.Chocolate was one of them.As a result Chocolate making process from cocoa seeds business was quite accumulated.The chocolate factory was built various places in Europe.And since then chocolate did not just for the rich,but also for all.

In 1847,there was an English man named Francis fry Manufacturer of chocolate.He was thinking,eating chocolate would so good instead of drink chocolate.Then he began thinking that how
given the shape of the liquid chocolate mixture as hard. here a man from Netherlands named Koyenrad Van Houted solved half of the problem of Francis fry. He discover an instrument which can pressure of the mixture of chocolates for make them brown coco powder and cocoa butter.
Fry saw that the cocoa butter became hard when its cold.He began to think, how to chocolate make hard by using coco butter.for this reason he mixed hot cocoa butter with the chocolate mixture and three scoop of sugar.then he cooled the mixture in a square pot.The mixture was cooled slowly to become stiff.And thus the world's first solid chocolate was made ​​by Fry.

Quickly the factories began to make advanced and solid chocolate.
Meanwhile, Peter Denial lived in Switzerland.He was originally wax artisans.That time candle demand dipped.so he is in need of money.
In the meantime, he fell in love with a girl. The girl was the chocolate manufacturer.Then he decided to start chocolate business.Tremendous competition among chocolate manufacturers have already started.
Peter realise that he has to improve the quality of chocolates and beautiful design  for his business benefit.For that purpose Peter mixed milk in the chocolate. 

However peter has to be frustrated.
The new combination of chocolate was much thinner.Henry Nestle was his neighbor.He knew many things about food.Actually Nestle earned a living by making kids food. He found a way of Peter chocolates mixture how to be thicker.
In 1883 Peter completed his new recipe for chocolate milk and cream and got Gold medal.That time the demand of chocolate milk was heighten.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Innovation of chocolate

Long long ago chocolate was a mysterious thing. That time no one eat this but some people drink it. Even they don't know how to drink it , suddenly they find out how to drink it.

They lived beside a rainforest near middle America. They ware farmer. The forest was  full of wild beasts, different types of tropical plants and dangerous snakes. And the cocoa trees in this forest, which is made ​​from the seeds of the chocolate.
The jungle monkeys knew a fair amount about the strange fruits.They ate the sweet white inner part of the fruit. And they drop the bitter seeds. In this way lot's of coco trees grown from those seeds.

One day the farmer saw monkeys eat cocoa fruit and they also try it. And they got great taste from the sweet white inner part of the fruit.But they also throw the bitter seeds.Then the farmer told the others about this fruit, the others began to eat the fruit of the cocoa.Though everyone ate only sweet white part and threw the bitter seeds.
Suddenly some villagers had noticed that, there is a strange beauty of a scent where they had gathered cocoa fruit seeds.Within a few months they discovered the method of permanent of the scent.For this they converted the seeds as a drink.

For this reason they kept the seeds under the banana leaves first few days.then they dried the seeds very well by sun heat.then they fried the seeds and crush them like paste,Finally they mixed the paste with more spices and water to ready to drink.
They gave the new name of this drink 'cakala or' (Chocol baa).
While this Chocol Baa's taste was very bitter, but still they loved it.
 To go to jungle and collect cocoa fruits was not easy. that's why , farmers began to cultivate plants for cocoa on their own grounds. The farmers was the member of a tribe named ' Mayan'.This Chokol or Chol Baa was an essential part of the life of 'Mayan'.
Mayan King and the priests drink chocolate every day.They like the foam more than the drink.Even they used cocoa fruit at their marriage ceremony.Even there was a custom that groom-bride will exchange 5 cocoa.That time people love so much cocoa trees that they draw almost everywhere cocoa trees picture. But the cocoa seeds recipes was very tough.Not only tough but also time consuming.As a result, most people are not drink chocolate without any ceremony.
 Cocoa fruit seeds considered so precious to the Mayan's later that they bagan to use it as money.That time one could buy a rabbit by 10 cocoa and a slave by 100 cocoa.

Almost 100 years to the next.A group of businessman arrives at Mayan's village.They wanted to took completely new thing for their emperor, that's why they searching for quite a while.In this way they arrived at Mayan's village.Those traders were from a dangerous tribe named 'Aztec'.So to avoid trouble Mayan's wanted to give them some valuable Cocoa seeds.
When 'Aztec's knew the mystery of the chocolate, they served one mug of liquid chocolate to their emperor. after drinking chocolate emperor was cried out ''wow''. He saw it, cold drinks, but provocative,Again, not exhausted.So he ordered his soldiers to drink liquid chocolate before going to war.

Aztec's where lives, the place was not good for the cultivation of cocoa trees.The place was a bit more cool.That's why Aztec's could not cultivate Cocoa.They bought cocoa from Mayan's and would bring in their country.

And the  Emperor of Aztec's 'Montezuma' was quite crazy for chocolates.He had full his warehouse by cocoa seeds.Even sometimes he drink 50cup of  chocolates.His belief was, this drink will make him even richer and wiser.But the poor man's chocolate still just a dream.

Became a legendary story about the origin of chocolate at the same time.